

Steam Humidification

Water Mist Humidification


Library Museum Hotel Office
Air humidification can prevent damage to the fibers of collectibles caused by low relative humidity in the air conditioning system. Many priceless manuscripts, books, artworks, ultra Microsoft films, tapes, etc. in the museum are prone to serious damage if not stored in a space with appropriate temperature and humidity control; The only suitable environment for the items listed above is relatively low temperature, which is often uncomfortable. The minimum relative humidity limit for paper collectibles in general museums is 40%; The lower limit for preventing drying and hardening of ultra Microsoft chips, tapes, etc. is 36%; Organic collectibles require a lower temperature environment. On the other hand, collections in the museum usually rotate between display rooms and storage rooms. It should be noted that even in environments with temperature and humidity control, such as heat conduction outside walls or radiation from switching lights, the surface temperature of the collection can still change, leading to water evaporation and damage to the structure of the collection; Furthermore, when collectibles are transferred from a low-temperature storage room to a high-temperature display room, the surface temperature of the collectibles gradually rises. At this time, internal moisture will gradually float on the surface and condense, forming a moisture transfer phenomenon, which will accelerate the aging of the collectibles. Suggest the temperature and humidity inside the museum as follows:
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Humidification Knowledge

Humidification Knowledge

Purpose of humidification

According to the statistical analysis of the international HVAC industry, human beings feel the most suitable and work most efficiently when living and working in an environment with a temperature of 22~26℃ and relative humidity of 40~65%RH. Dry air, will cause: Dust in the air to greatly increase the degree of flying, will cause skin dry and cracked and itchy, make people feel uncomfortable, usually this environment is a variety of bacterial hotbeds will cause people to catch a cold, sore throat, and greatly increase the incidence of bronchitis, skin diseases, thus causing the sick leave rate rise indirectly affecting the production capacity.

Basic classification of humidification

Generally speaking, water vapor in steam humidification engineering belongs to high-temperature steam, which is slightly higher than the latent heat of gaseous water at room temperature. So after the air is humidified by steam, the latent heat will slightly increase, so the dry bulb temperature of the space will increase by 1-2 ℃. Due to the limited increase in dry bulb temperature of air, steam humidification is also known as isothermal humidification.

Considerations for selecting humidification methods

The main considerations for selecting humidification methods are listed below: 1. Low setup cost. 2. Low operating costs. 3. Energy conservation. 4. Smaller equipment volume and higher humidification capacity.

Three state changes of water

Water is a ubiquitous substance on Earth that is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic. It undergoes three different states of change, including solid, liquid, and vapor, depending on temperature. In an ideal state, water freezes into a solid state at 0 ℃, with a smaller specific gravity. When we heat the ice, the temperature does not immediately rise and remains at 0 ℃. It needs to absorb a latent heat of dissolution of 80kcal/kg before it slowly turns into water at 0 ℃, forming a state of coexistence of solid and liquid phases. When liquid water completely turns into 0 ℃ saturated water, adding 1 kilocalorie (kcal) of heat will increase the temperature of 1 kilogram (kg) of water by 1 ℃. Continuing to heat will gradually increase the temperature of the water, and the continuous injection of enthalpy will increase the water temperature to 100 ℃. The temperature change process from 0 ℃ water to 100 ℃ water is called sensible heat (visible heat), which can be displayed on a thermometer. The specific heat of water is 1 kcal/kg, which requires 1 kcal of heat to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 ℃. At 1 atmospheric pressure, when the liquid water temperature reaches 100 ℃, the water begins to boil, known as the boiling point. Continue to provide heat, but the water temperature does not increase. Water gradually changes into gas and undergoes a phase change (from liquid to gas), which is the phenomenon of latent heat of water evaporation (which absorbs heat but cannot see temperature changes on the thermometer). The heat of latent heat of evaporation is very huge, at 539 kcal/kg, which is about 5.4 times the sensible heat (100 kcal/kg).

About Us

Company Profile

Guangdong Renjie Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of industrial humidifiers integrating development, design, production, sales and service, specializing in the production of electrode steam humidifiers, electric steam humidifiers, boiler steam humidifiers, liquid/steam heat exchange steam humidifiers, two fluid ultrasonic spray humidification systems, two fluid spray humidification systems, high-pressure mist humidification systems Industrial humidifiers such as water washing humidification systems. Its predecessor was Dongguan Renjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2007.

Brand History



2008.05.12: Application for Dewatek trademark

2010.06.28: Dewatek trademark registration successful

2015.08.12: Discontinuing the use of the Dewatek trademark


Renjie Jiashi

2015.12.10: Renjie Jiashi Trademark Application
2017.01.21: Renjie Jiashi trademark registration successful


2015.02.28: Renjie Trademark Application
2016.05.14: Renjie trademark registration successful




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